Thursday, November 12, 2009

Secure Your Home From Crime

Did you know?

  • 35% of all burglaries are crimes of opportunity, where the burglar lets themselves in through unlocked doors or windows
  • You are ten times more likely to be burgled if you don’t have basic security - even something as simple as putting strong locks on your doors and windows will keep your house much safer
  • Burglary has fallen by nearly 60% since 1995, but criminals are opportunists who will take advantage of any chance to steal from you, so you should remain aware.

If you make your property more secure, it's a lot harder for criminals to break in, and it's easier for police to catch them.

Keep it safe

Keep it Safe campaign is designed to spread the word about home security, and to encourage everyone to do all they can to protect their property from criminals.

Keep your door closed

One of the most intrusive and dangerous forms of burglary happens when somebody poses as a legitimate worker, for example from a utility company, and tricks their way into homes. This is a rare but intimidating method, and we want you to know more about it so that you can protect yourself against it.

Where to get help if you are burgled

If the worst happens, and your house is broken into, your first step should be to contact the police. However, once the police have left, you might need more help picking up the pieces.

Learn more and do more to stay safe

There’s plenty of good advice available for those looking for more information about ways to prevent burglaries, and the most effective safety changes you can make.


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